Monday, January 20, 2014

A Year and a Half to Go

Welcome! With one semester completed of my junior year, I am starting to feel the pre-graduation jitters. Growing up, gaining new responsibilities, making choices that will impact my life forever; it's a lot to handle. I know there must be more people going through these same experiences and I hope to connect with you through our common struggles as we go on to (hopefully) become adults.

So who am I? Well I am a high school junior at a small private Christian school. I have been attending since preschool and I would not have transferred to another school if given the chance. I run Cross Country in the fall and Track in the spring and I'm not to shabby at either, but I have a lot of room to improve. I am fighting for valedictorian or salutatorian, yet I worry constantly that I will never get into any of the schools I am aiming for. Personality wise I try to be helpful but somehow always end up in more of a mess than I started with, especially when it comes to friends. My laziness has a tendency to triumph over my need for perfection. I AM SOCIAL. I cannot explain this enough, I can't go without talking to people for a long period of time, but yet I need my space just like any teenager. Especially when I 'm stressed, then I just become a time bomb.

So half a year into school I felt a pull to express myself and everything that is going on in my life, whether it be SAT's, volunteer work, my lack of time management, or my ever changing schedule. Let me take a wild guess, you are feeling the pressure on at least one of those as well... You aren't alone, I'm feeling the stress too. I have those days that just need to be spent alone in a dark room or out in the middle of nowhere screaming as loud as possible. Between school and outside life I am a wreck but I'm working through it; hopefully this empowers you to do the same.

Maybe putting my life down in words will help me as well, I'm still deciding whether I want this as a journal-like site or strictly Junior advice through my experiences. Whatever I choose I hope you follow along to see all the madness that encompasses my Junior year of high school.

Fill in bubbles and a wooden #2 pencil, I think we all know what that means! Next I will be covering my ACT/SAT prep, so remember to check back in next week!