Monday, February 17, 2014

Sick? Nobody got time for that.

When I was younger I loved the idea of being sick and getting to stay home or occassionally getting the day off... I'll admit I used to do that. Now, as an AP student in High School there is no way I can do that.

So now as I sit here and type this I am dreading the fact that I have school tomorrow. Honestly it won't matter if I'm feeling terrible tomorrow, I have lectures to listen to, homework to receive, and tests to take. This is a good reminder too... I just realized I have a Spanish  quiz first thing tomorrow. Yay. So this leaves me with a question, are there more people like me? Students who just can't afford to take time off? I have been getting less than 6 hours of sleep a night, but while this is my fault, if I was doing everything I should be (helping with the play for 2 hours a day, tutoring, doing homework and studying, and in Track) I wouldn't have time to relax or sleep. Well, I can tell you exactly way happens when people don't get time to destress, they become depressed or, like me, they get sick easily.

When these things happen it gets even worse. There is no will to focus on schoolwork or anything and students get behind in work. Now I'm all for working students hard while we are in school, but if we are expected to be well rounded schools need to give us time to be free.

Now, we do have weekends. That is a lot of time that we are allowed to do whatever we want. Wrong. I have a forty pound backpack in my kitchen telling me that I am supposed to have a break to do work so that I may go back to school to receive more work. I am in AP classes so I can't say that I disagree that it is a bad thing to have us working all the time but sometimes I want to read a book or take a nap. Another argument could be my lack of time management. Well I know many teachers who don't have a great deal of that so it seems wrong to slap that in students faces.

There are holiday breaks as well though. Week long breaks that you can unwind during. Wrong again. As a junior I have college trips, act/sat studying and scholarship searches that require time. We're not allowed to breath, we all just need to work harder until there is a migraine and complete blowout of emotions.

So if you ever wanted into the mind of a high school junior there it is. It's painful and constantly moving, but it is a part of growing up (or so I've been told). As much as I want to go to school tomorrow I have to. Sick or not, there are things to do , people to infect, and lessons to learn.


P.S. Good luck :)

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